Cathy Sommerville Blog
Get to know me and my work by exploring my writings and news updates.Smart Women Aging Gracefully
By taking proactive steps through lifestyle choices, self-care, and engaging with the evolving landscape of women’s health research, we can redefine what it means to age gracefully. Embrace the years ahead with courage, curiosity, and humor, and always remember to prioritize your health and well-being.Read More

The Business of Being You
The realization dawned on me that my entrepreneurial spirit yearned for more than just making sales; it sought the autonomy and freedom of being a true independent contractor and business owner.Read More
Just Say Thanks
3. Acknowledge and Thank: Thirdly, I acknowledged the compliment and said “Thank You.” This step was crucial, as it involved not just hearing the compliment but actively accepting it without self-deprecation or disclaimers.Read More

Finding Peace When Sleep Eludes Me
The core of what I’ve learned is this: being gentle with myself. I’ve realized that my body knows its own rhythm, sometimes better than my conscious mind. I don’t have the secret to a flawless night’s sleep, but I’ve embraced handling my nocturnal stirrings with patience and trust in myself.Read More

From Scared to Sacred-The Journey Home
That fallacy began to unravel as I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and I truly accepted the Dare to be a woman in all its glory. Today, I’m empowered. The wisdom and joy I’ve found in my own essence comes largely from the camaraderie and trust I’ve built with other wonderful women. It’s perhaps why SWAG — Smart Women Aging Gracefully — resonates deeply with me. My past fixation on rugged individualism gave way to the creation of profound, sacred relationships.Read More

A Journey From People-Pleasing to Unburdened Freedom
We have the ability, opportunity, and dare I say responsibility, to age gracefully and make life more beautiful for others. The truth is, you don’t need to become anything else to be valuable and make a difference in the world. You are enough, just as you are.Read More

When it’s Time to Turn a New Page
There is no need to know how the story ends to start something new. Start where you are, with all your heart and know that you are not alone.Read More

Live Longer Better
In the grand scheme of life, women tend to have the upper hand when it comes to longevity. Statistically, women live longer than men. But what may seem like a triumph of nature hides a stark reality – the quality of life for many women is adversely affected by various health issues. The statistics around women’s health are indeed alarming and serve as a clarion call for us to take proactive steps towards aging gracefully through lifestyle and self-care.Read More

Aware and Unafraid
I traveled to New Zealand in February 2020. Traveling was as easy as ever. There were more international travelers wearing masks, custom lines a little slower and New Zealand was now requiring an additional Visa to travel into the country. The process was a bit off, but nothing that would hinder the easy flow of travel, commerce, and goodwill in our beautiful world.Read More

The Joy of Being Average
When I heard the statement “Dare to be Dull” I recoiled as if somebody was offering me a snake to hold. Why would I live through the tyranny of my oppressed life in a broken world only to aim for the objective of dullness? That was completely out of the question. I wasn’t about to venture into the new world of sobriety as a dull average person.Read More

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